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IRF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Modular Feeder Protection

Final Order Code
IRF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • DI
  • DO
  • AI (-5 - +20mA)
  • AI (0-300vDC)
  • CT
  • PT
  • Communication Protocol
  • Serial Ports
  • Ethernet Ports
ANSI Functions
50 Instantaneous Phase Overcurrent
51 Time-delayed Phase Overcurrent (Inverse / Fixed)
50N Instantaneous Neutral Overcurrent
51N Time-delayed Neutral Overcurrent (Inverse / Fixed)
50G Instantaneous Ground Overcurrent (*)
51G Time-delayed Ground Overcurrent (Inverse / Fixed)
50Q Instantaneous Negative Sequence Overcurrent (I2)
51Q Time-delayed Negative Sequence Overcurrent (Inverse / Fixed) (I2)
50Ns Instantaneous Sensitive Ground Overcurrent
51Ns Time-delayed Sensitive Ground Overcurrent
51Ns EPTR_C Time-delayed Sensitive Ground Overcurrent with EPTR_C
51Ni/c Ungrounded / Compensated Neutral Overcurrent
50V Instantaneous Voltage Dependent Overcurrent
51V Time-delayed Voltage Dependent Overcurrent
67 Phase Directional
67N Neutral Directional
67G Ground Directional
67Ns Sensible Neutral Directional
67P Positive-Sequence Directional
67Q Negative Sequence Directional
67Ni/c Isolated / Compensated Neutral Directional
85 Overcurrent Teleprotection Schemes
50FD Fault Detector
Phase Selector
46 Open Phase Detector
37 Time-Delayed Phase Undercurrent
27 Phase Undervoltage
27SPH Single-Phase Undervoltage (Vsyn)
59 Phase Overvoltage
59SPH Phase Overvoltage
59N single-Phase Overvoltage (Vsyn)
59N Ground Overvoltage
64 Negative Sequence Overvoltage
47 Thermal Image
49 Overfrequency
81m Underfrequency
81D Rate of Change of the Frequency
Load Shedding
25 Synchronism Check Unit
32P/Q Directional Power (active / reactive)
50BF Breaker Failure Protection
78 Out-of-Step
59V/Hz Overexcitation
87N Restricted Earth Fault
60VT VT Supervision and Fuse Failure
60CT CT Supervision
79 Recloser
Sequence coordination
3 Coil Supervision
Breaker Supervision
Fault Locator
Transducer Voltage Supervision
2 Pole Discrepancy
Open Pole Detector
Dead Line Detector
Saturation Detector
Harmonics Blocking
Lian Electric